Hate to wrap?
If you hate to wrap, we’ve got your back. We are wrappers, not rappers, but holiday wrappers who make your presents so nice you won’t want to open. We do two styles
- Our favorite is FUN wrapping, that is just that, FUN. We take your presents and put them in cereal boxes, Cheez-it boxes, X -Box boxes, and even liquor boxes which is very funny. This just totally confuses the recipient and engages in laughter. We wrap it and make it look nice with a bow and all. 3 average size boxes- $25
- This is our 3-tier wrapping. Provide us with 3 boxes preferably 3 different sizes and we elegantly wrap them. It looks so nice and perfectly wrapped with a beautiful ribbon and bow. 3 average size boxes- $25
â˜Žï¸ (609)-601-4227
Our store location: 411 E. 8th Street Ocean City, NJ 08226
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